Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Lovelit Drapes

It was an opaque curtain,
a stubborn one, I should say,
as it was reluctant to sway,
and lift itself,
even on a windy day...

But, I knew it danced,
swiftly, in gracious moves,
and I knew one more secret,
that it was in love with the Moon.

I had seen its blush,
the same one, a woman in love, would have,
in response to a gentle kiss...

Her veiled body gleamed,
on that moonlit night,
and that was when I knew that,
she was in love!

While admiring the lovelit drapes,
I realized something;
To shine, in your amor's embrace,
and sway in brimming love,
is a bliss immeasurable,
and incomparable;
This bliss is the only one,
which  stood the test of times,
and centuries,
and lives,
and perhaps evolution...

And for a moment, I was jealous,
Jealous of her state,
and of something which I had lost!

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